(Note this is PETA Blue background soothing isn't it?)
You know why Linda McCartney died of cancer? 
I bet it was all part of Paul's master plan.  You know, to replace her with a younger version...
You're gonna hate the Beattles if you don't already YOKO THIS!
I know the above has nothing to do with each other but the title caught your attention didn’t it. 

It’s time that Angie make fun of something that is actually prevalent in today’s fishing world besides the dorks that post on the internet 24X7.  I know you get kind of tired of me torturing them so let’s torture someone that really deserves it.  Shall we?  Even though internet losers are a lot more fun to tease, they can’t help but be the way they are (friendless), they don’t mean to sound ignorant with their inane stupid posts (retarded), and it’s not their fault they don’t have a social life (short, fat and ugly).

This isn’t about them.  This page is dedicated to all of them PETA Folk that we love so much.  Those brained washed idiots that suffer the same fate as the internet losers but in a different way.  They have taken their unnatural love for animals and found others like them and organized.  Could you imagine if the internet losers could organize?  (  Now what type of people participate in PETA?

Children that were born on a cattle ranch with an insane father that enjoyed the slaughter part of the job.   “Watch here little Suzie while daddy slits this here steer’s throat.  Whoopsy Daisy!  That’s okay honey child that blood darn cleans right off.”

A mother that due to turning into a bull dyke looking creature one year after child birth replaces her runaway husband with cats or dogs.  The children are brought up with these revered pets replacing their father figures.

Hippie Children of parents that continued being hippies from the 60s unlike most baby boomers that did it for the “Pot of it” and became the 80s yuppies.  Since they can’t afford meat why not condemn it?

Children of Hippie “Wanna Be” parents who were too chicken to actually be hippies and smoke pot but somehow convinced their children that the 60’s were “Right On Man...”

After they graduated college they went on a trek to Burma and contracted diarrhea that lasted for 6 days after eating rotten meat.  They became Buddhists and vegetarians at the same time.  Come to think of it, after that so would I.

People who as children had to work in slaughter houses.  Think of “The Jungle” (by Upton Sinclair) meets “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. 

People who decided to rebel against their parents.  Any parents.  Anyone who ate meat.  Wait a second, these were the freaks at my high school who rebelled against stupid things, like dressing nice at school, participating in sports or getting good grades.

I can go on and on but I think you all get my drift. 

What’s my opinion about animals?  I like to go by the theory that since we were created in the “Goddess’s Image” all the earth and it’s creatures are here for our benefit, our amusement, and our use of it.  Isn’t that just an awful way to think?  Wow, I may have to rethink my Native American page.  Isn’t that the way they used to think about themselves?

Oh, so the difference between good and bad people?  Some of us are responsible harbingers of the Goddess’s Gifts and some of us are just plain dumbasses about it (ie Native Americans, Republicans and the JAPANESE).

So before you read on to an actual researched study  about “Do Fish Feel Pain” let us go take a gander at the following web site and have a good laugh shall we?
If you don’t feel like visiting here’s a few real insane highlights:

"From the bass desperately trying to escape the pain of the hook as he is reeled in, to the pollock tumbling endlessly in a trawler's net, to the tuna struggling for hours with a hook in her throat attached to miles of line with thousand of hooks, billions of fish suffer at our hands every year.
But things are looking up for fish as more and more people are choosing alternatives to fishing and eating fish. Hiking, wildlife watching, and a vegetarian diet are among the many choices that are better for us, the animals, and the environment."

I especially love when these vegetarian freaks make their small children into vegetarians thus making them become malnourished, stunted, runts, with no muscle or bone mass due to the lack of protein in their diets.  Can five year olds suffer from Osteoperosis?  Now they can!

Fishing Hurts

"The pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds and mammals."
---Dr. Donald Broom, professor of animal welfare, Cambridge University

While fish cannot always express pain and suffering in ways that humans can easily recognize, common sense (as well as marine biologists) tells us that fish feel pain. Fish may not be cute and cuddly like puppies and kittens, but they suffer and experience pain in very much the same way.
Fish suffer from being impaled, thrown, crushed, or mutilated while alive, and they are often left to die slowly and painfully of suffocation. (continued)

So were the victims of Dachau.  Maybe the PETA people should have been around to help back in the days of the Nazis

The Environment & Fishing
Countless birds and other animals suffer, and many die, from injuries caused by swallowing or becoming entangled in discarded fishing hooks, monofilament line, and lead weights. While in our oceans, billions of non-target animals such as sea turtles, dolphins, sea birds, and seals, die horrible deaths in commercial fishing nets every year. (continued)

Countless birds and other animals also suffer from being eaten by other birds and animals that are bigger than them with sharp teeth.  PETA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!   BTW  Isn’t this what us as sportsmen bitch about all the time too?  Do we and PETA have way too much in common?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Eating Fish is Dangerous

Like the flesh of other animals, fish flesh contains excessive amounts of protein, fat, and cholesterol.
All the things that make up a healthy normal diet.  OH NO NOT THAT!  Maybe I should just be eating bacon everyday.

Fish (and shellfish) can accumulate extremely high levels of toxins (as much as 9 million times that of the water in which they live) such as PCBs, dioxins, mercury, lead, and arsenic, which can cause health problems ranging from kidney damage and impaired mental development to cancer and even death. Fish oil capsules may also contain harmful contaminants. Omega-3, thought to be helpful in fighting heart disease, can be found in flaxseed and linseed oils and in leafy, green vegetables. (continued)

Don’t the same health problems occur to vegetarians?  And here’s an astounding question...
How come Japanese people live so fricking long?

So please enjoy this lovely dissertation written by Dr. Mengele oops I mean Dr. James Rose from the University Of Wyoming.  Land of the Angus Beef...
Fishing Hurts...
I don't think he's feeling too much pain right now.  Alex you murderer!!
Do Fish Feel Pain?

By Dr. James D. Rose, University of Wyoming

      Do fish, like humans, experience pain and suffering? People hold very differing beliefs about this question. Some would believe that if fish react to stimuli that would cause a person to feel pain that the fish must also be feeling pain. Others assume that fish are too different from humans for the matter to be of concern. Many people don’t know quite what to think about the issue. Neuroscience research has clarified the neurological and psychological processes that cause the experience of pain, so we can address this question from a large base of factual information.


        It has become very clear that pain is a psychological experience with both a perceptual aspect and an emotional aspect. The perceptual aspect tells us that we have been injured, like the first sensation when you hit your thumb with a hammer. The emotional aspect is separate as in the suffering that follows after we are first aware of hitting our thumb. But, injurious stimuli do not always lead to the experience of pain. Think of a trip to the dentist.  When a dentist injects a local anesthetic into your jaw to block nerve conduction, some of your teeth and a part of your mouth feel numb. When a tooth is then drilled, the sensory nerve cells in the tooth that would normally trigger pain are still excited, but the nerve block prevents activity in these receptors from being sent to the brain, so pain is not felt.

In addition, a person’s behavioral reaction to pain is separate from pain experience. We see this separation when a person endures pain without showing any discomfort. On the other hand, people sometimes react behaviorally to injury without any feeling any experience of pain or suffering. This kind of separation between behavioral and psychological responses to injury results from certain forms of damage of the brain or spinal cord. Because the experience of pain is separate from the behavioral response to injury, the term nociception is used to refer to detection of injury by the nervous system (which may or may not lead to pain).  Injurious stimuli that usually lead to pain experience are called nociceptive stimuli. The term pain should be used only to refer to the unpleasant psychological experience that can result from a nociceptive stimulus.


In humans, reactions to nociceptive stimuli are usually associated with feelings of pain. Consequently, humans often assume that reactions by animals to nociceptive stimuli mean that these animals experience similar pain. In reality, reactions to nociceptive stimuli are protective responses that can occur in forms of life that are incapable of perceiving pain. The ability to detect and react to nociceptive stimuli is a widespread characteristic of animal life. Single-celled creatures such as an ameba will move away from irritating chemical or mechanical stimuli.

These reactions are automatic and because the ameba doesn’thave a nervous system, it has no ability to actually sense the stimulus that causes its reaction or to feel pain. There are many other invertebrate organisms (animals without backbones) that also react to nociceptive stimuli, but with somewhat more complex patterns of escape than an ameba. For example, starfish have a primitive nervous system that interconnects sensory receptors detecting injurious stimuli with muscle cells that cause movements, enabling the starfish to slowly move away from a nociceptive stimulus. The starfish’s nervous system has only a small number of nerve cells.

It has no brain, so like the ameba, its reactions are not very precise or complex and it can’t experience, in the way of humans, the stimuli that trigger its reactions. Thus, protective reactions don’t require very complex nervous systems and can occur in animals incapable of perceiving, that is being aware of, the stimuli that cause such reactions.


Vertebrates generally have more complex nervous systems than invertebrates and vertebrates have a clearly developed brain. This brain receives information from the spinal cord about nociceptive stimuli that contact the body surface. Working together with the spinal cord, the brain generates rapid, coordinated responses that cause the organism to escape these stimuli. These automatically generated responses include withdrawal of the stimulated body part, struggling, locomotion and in some animals, vocalizations. All of these responses are generated by the lower levels of the nervous system, including the brainstem and spinal cord.


Human existence is dominated by functions of the massively developed cerebral hemispheres. Fishes have only primitive cerebral hemispheres and their existence is dominated by brainstem functions. The brains of vertebrate animals differ greatly in structural and functional complexity. Cold-blooded animals, such as fish, frogs, salamanders, lizards and snakes, have simpler brains than warm-blooded vertebrates, the birds and mammals. 

Fish have the simplest types of brains, of any vertebrates, while humans, have the most complex brains of any species. All mammals have enlarged cerebral hemispheres that are mainly an outer layer of neocortex. Conscious awareness of sensations, emotions and pain in humans depend on our massively-developed neocortex and other specialized brain regions in the cerebral hemispheres. If the cerebral hemispheres of a human are destroyed, a comatose, vegetative state results. Fish, in contrast, have very small cerebral hemispheres that lack neocortex.

If the cerebral hemispheres of a fish are destroyed, the fish’s behavior is quite normal, because the simple behaviors of which a fish is capable (including all of its reactions to nociceptive stimuli) depend mainly on the brainstem and spinal cord. Thus, a human’s existence is dominated by the cerebral hemispheres, but a fish is a brainstem-dominated organism.

   The capacity to perceive and be aware of sensory stimuli, rather than just react to such stimuli requires a complex brain. In humans, the cerebral hemispheres, especially the neocortex, is the functional system that allows us to be aware of sensory stimuli.  If the cortex of the human brain is damaged or made dysfunctional, we lose our awareness of sensations. 
For example, damage of the visual part of the cortex causes blindness, even though vision-related sensory activity is still occurring in subcortical parts of the brain. If the neocortex is widely damaged we lose our capacity to be aware of our existence in general. This loss of awareness occurs in spite of the fact that the levels of our nervous system below the cerebral hemispheres, the brainstem and spinal cord, can still be functioning and processing signals from sensory stimuli, including injurious stimuli. In a fish, “seeing” is performed by the brainstem and occurs automatically without awareness. Consequently, a fish’s visual behavior is quite normal if the small cerebral hemispheres are removed, but a human is blind if the visual cortex region of the cerebral hemispheres is destroyed. This is because our visual behavior depends greatly on conscious awareness of visual sensations.

   In spite of our unawareness of brainstem functions, the brainstem and spinal cord contain programs that control our more automatic behavioral functions. Smiling and laughter, vocalizations, keeping our balance, breathing, swallowing and sleeping are all processes that are generated by these lower, brainstem and spinal cord programs.


   The experience of pain depends on functions of our complex, enlarged cerebral hemispheres. The unpleasant emotional aspect of pain is generated by specific regions of the human cerebral hemispheres, especially the frontal lobes. The functional activity of these frontal lobe regions is closely tied to the emotional aspect of pain in humans and damage of these brain regions in people eliminates the unpleasantness of pain. These regions do not exist in a fish brain.

Therefore, a fish doesn’t appear to have the neurological capacity to experience the unpleasant psychological aspect of pain. This point is especially important, because some opponents of fishing have argued that fish are capable of feeling pain because some of the lower, subcortical nervous system pathways important for nociception are present in fish. 

Obviously this argument has no validity because without the special frontal lobe regions that are essential for pain experiences, lower pathways alone can’t produce this experience. The rapid, well-coordinated escape responses of a fish to nociceptive stimuli are generated automatically at brainstem and spinal cord levels but, if a fish’s brainstem and spinal cord work like a humans (and it is very likely that they do) there is no awareness of neural activity occurring at these levels.

   It might be argued that fish have the capacity to generate the psychological experience of pain by a different process than that occurring in the frontal lobes of the human brain, but such an argument is insupportable. The capacity to experience pain, as we know it, has required the massive expansion of our cerebral hemispheres, thus allocating large numbers of brain cells to the task of conscious experience, including the emotional reaction of pain. The small, relatively simple fish brain is fully devoted to regulating just the functions of which a fish is capable.

A fish brain is simple and efficient, and capable of only a limited number of operations, much like a 1949 Volkswagen automobile. By comparison, the human brain is built on the same basic plan as that of a fish, but with massive expansions and additional capacities. The human brain is more like a modern luxury car with all-wheel drive, climate control, emission controls, electronic fuel injection, anti-theft devices and computerized systems monitoring. These refinements and additional functions couldn’t exist without massive additional hardware. The massive additional neurological hardware of the human cerebral hemispheres makes possible the psychological dimension of
our existence, including pain experience.

   There are also huge differences between mammals in the degree of complexity of cerebral hemisphere development, especially within the frontal lobes. The brains of predatory mammals are typically larger and more complex than brains of their prey. For example, the brains of sheep and deer have a tiny fraction of the frontal lobe mass that is present in humans, making it probable that the kinds of psychological experience of these animals, including pain, is quite different from human experience.


    When a fish is hooked by an angler, it typically responds with rapid swimming behavior that appears to be a flight response. Human observers sometimes interpret this flight response to be a reaction to pain, as if the fish was capable of the same kind of pain experience as a human. From the previous explanation, it should be clear that fish behavior is a result of brainstem and spinal patterns of activity that are automatically elicited by the stimulation of being hooked, but that fish don’t have the brain systems necessary to experience pain. 

It is very important to note that the flight responses of a hooked fish are essentially no different from responses of a fish being pursued by a visible predator or a fish that has been startled by a vibration in the water. These visual and vibratory stimuli do not activate nociceptive types of sensory neurons so the flight responses can’t be due to activation of pain-triggering neural systems. Instead, these flight responses of fish are a general reaction to many types of potentially threatening stimuli and can’t be taken to represent a response to pain.

Also, these flight responses are unlikely to reflect fear because the brain regions known to be responsible for the experience of fear, which include some of the same regions necessary for the emotional aspect of pain, are not present in a fish brain. Instead, these responses are simply protective reactions to a wide range of stimuli associated with predators or other threats, to which a fish automatically and rapidly responds.

   Although fish don’t have the capacity to experience human-like pain or suffering, their reactions to nociceptive stimuli or capture are still important because these reactions include the secretion of stress hormones.  These stress hormones can have undesirable health effects on fish if they are secreted in large amounts over a long period of time.  So, it’s important when practicing catch-and-release fishing to observe the usually recommended procedures of landing a fish before it is exhausted and returning it to the water quickly.

   The facts about the neurological processes that generate pain make it highly unlikely that fish experience the emotional distress and suffering of pain. Thus, the struggles of a fish don’t signify suffering when the fish is seized in the talons of an osprey, when it is devoured while still alive by a Kodiak bear, or when it is caught by an angler.
"It's a bad day to be a hatchery fish!"  By Blake Smith